
  • Being physically fit is an important goal for first responders.  ESA Fire - Enhanced and EMT/PCP programs both include a fitness training component at Little Sweatshop in Sherwood Park, which focuses on the skills needed for these particular careers.

    Fitness training - a great way to deal with stress!

    These are Fire 1503 who have completed their fitness training. Huge changes!

    Stack of fit Fire Students!

    A whole stack of fit Fire Students!

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"I have 3 weeks left in my Toronto Fire recruit class and I am very thankful I attended ESA. The standard that ESA teaches to was very high. I have felt that my knowledge from ESA has put me ahead throughout my recruit class. I also appreciate how ESA teaches many of the new techniques in fire fighting e.g. decon and ventilation. Toronto Fire has not adopted many of these new principles and I feel like I am ahead of the curve. I also found after talking to many of the other students in my recruit class that I had much more hands on and in depth classes on most topics. Especially the live fire training, auto ex, decon, fire dynamics, self rescue. I would like to say Thank you to all the ESA staff and instructors."
- Calvin, Fire 1803+