Student Services

Student Aid Verified Accounts

Important Notice for Students
Students currently use the MyAlberta Digital ID system to sign in to their Alberta Student Aid accounts. On September 8, 2022, all students will need to create or update to a verified MyAlberta Digital ID account. This change will make it easier for students to keep their personal information safe and secure.
Students who do not verify their personal accounts by September 8 will not be able to  login to their Alberta Student Aid accounts. Getting verified can take up to 10 days.
Please advise your students about the new security on their accounts when applying online for the following scholarships and awards:Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
New Beginnings BursaryPlease note: Students do not need to reapply, and this change does not impact their historical loan information. Learn more on getting a verified account at:Student Aid Verified Accounts on 
Common Questions - Getting VerifiedFor help with getting verified, go to: MyAlberta Digital ID Contact us

Alberta Scholarships and Awards
Learn more about scholarships and awards offered by Alberta's Government and get ready to apply at:
Student Financial Aid
Interest and Repayment of Federal and Provincial Student Loans
Tutoring and Student Assistance
Academic or Special Accommodation
Student Health and Welfare
Student Fees

Student Financial Aid

Alberta Student Aid Verified Accounts

Important Notice for Students

As of September 8, 2022, all students must create or update to a verified MyAlberta Digital ID to continue to access their Alberta Student Aid accounts. This will prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access to personal information in their account, ensuring their personal data is secure. 

The verification process has two steps:

1. The first step ensures the student's personal information provided belongs to them. Students must go to MyAlberta Digital ID where they will be asked to provide information from a valid Alberta driver's licence, or Alberta Identification Card.

2. After completing the first step, an activation code will be mailed to the address shown on their Alberta drivers licence or ID card. Once they receive the activation code, they will need to enter it on the MyAlberta Digital ID Manage account page to complete the verification process.

Take note! If your students do not verify their personal accounts by September 8 they will lose access to their Alberta Student Aid accounts. This means they will not be able to submit applications, upload electronic documents, or view important notifications about grant payments and tax slips received in their inboxes.

Messaging for Students

Please immediately provide the following information to your students:

You must have a verified MyAlberta Digital Identity to continue to access your Alberta Student Aid account. Upgrade now to ensure you can continue to access important information in your inbox. Getting a verified account can take up to 10 days.

Before Getting Verified

If the address shown on your Alberta drivers licence or Alberta ID card is incorrect, you will need to visit a registry agent to have your information changed on your driver’s licence or identification card. Making changes to these documents after you have started verifying your account could delay the verification process by 90 days or more. If your ID expires within 30 days, you will need to renew your ID before verifying. 

Transfer to a Verified Account

Step 1
  • Go to My Alberta Digital ID, sign into your account.
  • Navigate to the Manage Account page, and click on get a verified account.
  • You will be prompted to enter the information exactly as shown on one of the following  Alberta-issued ID cards
  • - an Alberta driver's licence, or
  • - an Alberta Identification Card
Step 2
  • After completing the first step, an activation code will be mailed to the address shown on your Alberta drivers licence or ID card. When you get the activation code, you will need to enter it on the MyAlberta Digital ID Manage account page to complete the verification process.
Don't Have an Account?

You must have a valid email address to create a basic (unverified) account.

1. Go to My Alberta Digital ID and click on create account. Fill in your personal information to create a unique User Name and Password. 

2. Sign onto your newly created MyAlberta Digital ID account using your existing Username and Password, and follow the above steps to verify your account.

Resources for Students

Please refer your students to the following materials and advise them to verify their Alberta Student Aid account as soon as possible, and before Thursday, September 8: 
Students having difficulty creating a MyAlberta Digital ID account should contact the MyAlberta Digital ID helpdesk.

Student Aid Verified Accounts - FAQs

What is MyAlberta Digital ID?
It’s a free account that lets you prove who you are online without paper documents or face-to-face visits. MyAlberta Digital ID gives you seamless access to a range of government sites and services, while protecting your information and privacy. Students currently use the MyAlberta Digital ID system to sign in to their Alberta Student Aid accounts.
What is changing with Alberta Student Aid accounts?

On September 8, 2022, Student Aid will integrate with the verified identity security protocols on the MyAlberta Digital ID system. This change will make it easier for students to keep their personal information safe and secure.

Students will no longer be able to use the following personal identifiers or shared secrets to confirm their identity and access their account:
  • two Alberta High School Diploma level official marks, or
  • Alberta Student Aid Agreement Number or Canada Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA) Number, or
  • Alberta or Canada Cashed Loan Certificate Number

Students who do not upgrade to the verified MyAlberta Digital ID account by September 8 will lose access to important information in their inboxes.

Canada Student Loans and Grants

The Canada Student Loans Program and the Canada Student Grants Program help by providing student financial assistance in the form of loans and grants to Canadians attending post-secondary education in most provinces and territories.

Applicants for the Primary Cara Paramedic (PCP) Program and the Professional Fire Fighter Programs (Enhanced and Flex) at ESA may be eligible for federal student financial assistance through the Canada Students Loans Program and/or provincial assistance.

Please submit your application for funding before you apply to ESA for the PCP, Fire - Flex or Fire - Enhanced program. You will be advised of how much funding you can receive. The funding will be activated when ESA confirms your acceptance to Student Aid.

In Alberta - Student Aid Alberta

Eligibility of ESA Programs and Courses

The Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Program and the Professional Fire Fighter Programs (Enhanced and Flex) are designated as eligible for financial assistance under the federal and provincial student loan programs.  This applies to students across Canada.

EMR and Accessory Courses
are not eligible as the courses are not long enough to be funded under student loans.  A course must be at least 12 weeks long before application can be made for designation for funding.

Applying for Student Aid - Students must apply for funding in their home province.

Alberta Students

Alberta students apply online at  Paper applications for full-time studies are not available on the website.

The online application will indicate how much funding is available to a student.  When a student is accepted into an ESA PCP or a Fire program, ESA confirms their acceptance online.  Part of the funding may be paid directly to ESA and the balance to the student.  The student is responsible for paying any differences between funding received by ESA and fees due.

As of August 1, 2015, the annual loan limits from Student Aid Alberta have increased for full-time studies to $7,500.00 for  programs of 1 to 4 months (ESA Fire Program) and $15,000 for programs of 5 to 9 months (ESA PCP Program).  Grants and scholarships are available dependent on personal circumstances.  The Alberta Scholarships Program is on the same website in a different section:

Students who are unable to apply online will be required to call the Student Aid Alberta Service Centre (SAASC) at 1-855-606-2096 to request a PDF version of the application.

On July 1, 2018, Alberta Student Aid's contract with Canada Post is changing, affecting the submission of loan agreements (MSFAAs) for both full and part-time student loan recipients.

On October 23, 2017, the updated MyLoan website was launched. is the website students use to manage the repayment of their Alberta student loan. The update provides student borrowers with secure online communication and more self-service features.
From Nov 15 – Dec 12, 2017 Alberta Student Aid will send approximately 180,000 students an email notifying them about the updated MyLoan website. This communication will include highlights of the new features available, and the information students need to register for their account.
These emails are from Alberta Student Aid, branded with the government logo and from one of the following email addresses: 
We want to assure you that the email addresses above are legitimate email addresses used by our systems to help Alberta Student Loan borrowers manage loan payments. All email notices will advise students to login to their account for further information.
We value privacy and security and do not request personal information in email notices. If a student receives an email directly requesting personal information, they should take appropriate precautions by, either deleting the email, or contacting the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre to confirm the source of the email.
Any student who has received an Alberta student loan should be encouraged register – whether their loan status is In Study, In Grace or In Repayment. Following is the email message students will receive, which includes information about registering for their account:

MyLoan – Register for You New Alberta Student Aid MyLoan Account

For an overview of the services available to students, see:

MyLoan - Alberta Student Loan Repayment
Both documents are available on the Alberta Student Aid website at:

Resources for Schools  
Changes for Full-time Students

The number of Canada Post outlets accepting loan agreements will be reduced. View the list of designated Canada Post outlets here:
  • Loan Agreements
  • Designated Canada Post outlets in Alberta will continue to review student documentation for Full-time Alberta loan agreements. However, Canada Post employees will no longer review Part-time student documentation.
*Canada student loan agreements issued on or after April 3, 2018 must be completed electronically on the National Student Loan Service Centre website: Contacts:

If employees at your school have further questions, they can contact:
  • Client Resolution Unit (for school staff only)
Tel:  1-855-606-2096 | Option 4

Students from Other Canadian Provinces

If you live outside of Alberta, the CanLearn website provides contact information regarding student loans.

Ontario students are referred to the provincial website at  OSAP students can apply online, check to see if there is any missing information, and also check their funding status online.  Contact information is also listed if they need to speak with someone personally.

Canada Student Financial Assistance Program | Making Life More Affordable

Elimination of Canada Student Loan Interest | Effective April 1, 2023

The Government of Canada has permanently eliminated the accumulation of interest on all full- and part-time Canada Student Loans and Canada Apprentice Loans, including loans currently in repayment. Borrowers continue to be responsible to pay any interest that may have accrued on their loans before April 1, 2023.

  • Permanently eliminating interest saves the average borrower $410 per year as a result of their Canada loan being interest-free.
  • Borrowers are still eligible for the Repayment Assistance Plan, allowing them to pause student loan repayment until they make at least $40,000 per year, and reducing payments for those earning slightly above the threshold.
  • Half of all post-secondary students in Canada rely on student loans to help them afford the cost of tuition and essentials during their studies.

This announcement is part of the federal government’s 2022 Fall Economic Statement, which has an estimated cost of $2.7 billion over five years and $556.3 million ongoing.


The transition from school to working life should be made easier, not harder. In 2019, when interest rates were at historic lows, the federal government acted to make student loans more affordable by reducing interest charges on student loans to the prime rate. When COVID-19 disrupted Canadians' lives, students and young people were among the most affected. To support them, the government waived interest charges on student loans for two years, which helped ease the burden many faced after graduating into an incredibly challenging job market. This support currently expires on March 31, 2023.

And so, with life becoming more expensive for many recent graduates, the federal government is taking new, permanent steps to reduce the burden of student loans on young Canadians so they can invest in building their futures.

More information can be found on the Alberta Student Aid website. The following resources have been updated to reflect these changes:


CSLP Online Services 

Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP)
CSLP in collaboration with DH Corporation (National Student Loans Service Centre) and other stakeholders, will be launching the following three new online services for CSLP students effective Monday, November 18, 2019:

• Virtual Repayment Counsellor
• One-time payments
• Digital communications regarding missing financial institution (banking) information

For More Information

Click on the following links:
»  Flyer (French Page 1 - English Page 2)
»  Phase 4 Release Features Power Point Presentation

For Further Information Contact National Student Loans Service Centre:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4030
Mississauga ON
L5A 4M4

Toll free telephone:
1 888 815-4514 (within North America)
800 2 225-2501 (outside North America)

Alberta Scholarship Update - February 2025

Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

Students can log in to their Alberta Student Aid accounts to apply online for the 2024-25 Alexander Rutherford High School Achievement Scholarship.

For more information on the Rutherford Scholarship, including eligibility and how to apply, visit:

Belcourt-Brosseau Métis Award

The Belcourt-Brosseau Métis Awards Fund was established to help Métis Albertans realize self-sufficiency through post-secondary education and skills development.

Valued between $2,000 and $10,000, this award is intended to cover a portion of education-related costs such as tuition and fees.

The award is open to Alberta Métis citizens, and priority is given to students entering their first year of post-secondary education. Students must show financial need and have a connection to the Métis community.

For more information on the Belcourt-Brosseau Métis Awards, including eligibility and how to apply, visit:

Alberta Apprentice & Trainee Awards and Scholarships 

The Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry (AIT) Training Board provides various scholarships to apprentices and occupational trainees every year.

To learn more, browse the AIT scholarships and awards listings at:


Parent / Guardian Access to Scholarship Application Information

Students may want a parent(s)/guardian to assist with aspects of their scholarships application and information. In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta), Alberta Student Aid requires written consent to share Personal Information with a parent(s)/guardian.

High School awards counselors should inform students that a Consent to Disclose Personal Information form must be completed and submitted to Alberta Student Aid in order to disclose their personal information to a designated individual.

The Consent to Disclose Personal Information form is available at:

 Employment Insurance (EI) Retraining Programs

If you would like to take an ESA program funded by EI and reside in Alberta, you may be able to access EI Retraining Programs if you have been o­n employment insurance. 

Please inquire with Service Canada or Alberta Human Services for further information.

Advancing Futures Bursary

Advancing Futures is a post-secondary bursary program through Alberta Human Services for youth aged 18 to 24 who have been in government care.

Youth are invited to apply for the Advancing Futures bursary if they are interested in:

  • obtaining their high school equivalency through adult education if it is a requirement for entry into a post-secondary program

  • earning a license or certificate

  • learning a trade

  • earning a diploma or degree from a post-secondary school

The program is open to full- or part-time students enrolled in an Alberta school. The program provides funding and support to youth in achieving their educational goals and assists them in obtaining meaningful employment.

Ask about these programs before you quit a current job.

Programs designated must be under 12 weeks long.

Suggested procedure:

  • Make an appointment with an employment counselor at o­ne of the HRDC (Human Resources & Skills Development Canada)

  • Provide details about the program you want to take

  • Explain why ESA is your choice of school.  Include information such as personal schedule, ESA calendar, enhanced curriculum, quality of program, accessibility of course, etc.

  • If you are an Albertan who may be eligible for Alberta Works Learner Benefits, please contact one of the following regarding assessments and training: 

Edmonton - BGS Enterprises  
BGS Enterprises Resources:


  • ALIS Scholarships & Bursaries

  • Student Awards

  • Scholarships Canada

  • CanLearn

  • Scholarship, Bursaries and Awards for Aboriginal Students

  • HRSDC: Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities

Calgary:  Prospect Human Services, Calgary Assessment Centre
130, 910 7 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3N8
Tel: 403.237.5108 

Students from provinces other than Alberta may be able to access Employment Insurance (EI) programs.  For example:

  • BC students may be able to apply directly to EI.

  • In Manitoba, please contact Employment Manitoba - Competitiveness Training and Trade.

  • In Ontario, contact the Ministry of Training, College and Universities.

Alberta - Advancing Futures Bursary

Advancing Futures is a post-secondary bursary program for youth aged 18 to 24 who have been in government care.

Youth are invited to apply for the Advancing Futures bursary if they are interested in:

  • obtaining their high school equivalency through adult education if it is a requirement for entry into a post-secondary program

  • earning a license or certificate

  • learning a trade

  • earning a diploma or degree from a post-secondary school

The program is open to full- or part-time students enrolled in an Alberta school. The program provides funding and support to youth in achieving their educational goals and assists them in obtaining meaningful employment.

In addition to addressing financial needs, Advancing Futures assists students in achieving success by supporting them through transitional challenges. These include transitioning into adulthood issues, learning everyday life skills, and how to be successful in school. Advancing Futures takes a strength-based approach to supporting youth. It recognizes the potential of students to reach their educational goals and overcome challenges they may face.

 For additional details pertaining to program eligibility please visit the website at

Other Funding Options

A Personal Bank Loan or Student Line of Credit

A student line of credit from your bank may be available to you if you are unable to receive student aid or can’t get enough funding for your studies. If you don’t have a job or a credit history, you may need someone, a parent or family member, to co-sign the loan.

Student lines of credit or personal loans are different from student aid:

  • You are not eligible to be considered for grant funding.

  • You are required to make monthly interest payments on student line of credit loans while you’re in school.

  • Interest starts to accrue from the day the money is used.

  • Typically, banks offer principal deferred loans.  While attending school and for twelve months after finishing, only the interest must be paid on your loan.

  • Your bank or financial institution may provide a personal loan or line of credit.

You may have to make interest payments o­n these loans while you are attending classes.  

Employment Deductions

If a student is employed, completion of a TD1, section 4 (pays more than $100 in the year for tuition) will allow the employer to make lower deductions at source from a paycheque.


RESPs (Registered Educational Savings Plans) can be used to pay for educational expenses incurred for courses and programs offered by ESA.

The company holding the RESP will have forms for this.  There might be specific company regulations governing same.  For example, you may require a letter from ESA confirming that you are a student accepted into an ESA program.

Some companies set up RESPs which can be held by a grandparent and used for a grandchild.

The beneficiary listed o­n an RESP determines who can use the funds.


The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw amounts from RRSPs to finance training or education for you or your spouse or common-law partner. You cannot use the RRSP funds to finance a child's education, such as your child or the child of your spouse or common-law partner.

Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards

There are many scholarships and bursaries that could help pay for your education.

  • Many scholarships are based on academic achievement, but others are awarded for athletic involvement, leadership, community service or areas of interest. 

  • Bursaries are usually awarded based o­n financial need.  Other accomplishments may be considered.

  • Awards may be based o­n accomplishments or need.

Scholarships, bursaries and awards do not need to be repaid.

The Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) provides excellent information and assistance, including 5 Steps to Winning Scholarships and links to additional websites with information about different funding sources. is a search engine providing details about scholarships, bursaries and awards available for Canadian students.

For details about scholarships, bursaries and awards available for Alberta students, refer to or Further information about Alberta Scholarships and Awards.

Veterans Affairs Canada

The Educational Assistance Program - Funding may be available from Veteran's Affairs if you have a parent or grandparent who served in Canada's armed forces. You must be under 30 years of age.

Funding may also be available for former service personnel.

Please refer to the website for Veterans' Affairs Canada.

Other Possible Sources of Funding

Companies and Non-profit Organizations

Companies and non-profit organization have their own funding criteria.  Students are advised to talk to family and friends about connections at the workplace, in service clubs and in their communities.

Cultural & Ethnic Groups

Applicants for any ESA Program or Accessory Course may be eligible for funding from specific cultural or ethnic groups, if the specific criteria of the group are met.  An example is the Metis Association in Alberta or Rupertsland Institution - the Metis Centre of Excellence.

Applicants must submit a complete application including all prerequisites to ESA before confirmation of acceptance into a program or course is issued to the sponsoring group.

Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards

Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards provides Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries to students attending Alberta universities, colleges and technical institutes.

Applicants must be Metis, demonstrate financial need, and have applied or been accepted to a qualified program.

Application packages are available by visiting or by calling 1-866-626-0015.

The Tema Conter Memorial Trust - Scholarship Awards for Canada's Emergency Services and Military Students

This is an annual scholarship program ($2,500 scholarship on the provincial level and $2,500 scholarship on the national level) based on an essay competition about how emergency services personnel may experience the psychological stressors of acute and post traumatic stress.

Essay and submission requirements are posted on


Some associations offer scholarships to enable their members to change careers.  An example is the World Hockey Association (WHA) which may sponsor their players when they want to pursue post-secondary education.


Your employer may assist with costs of further education, particularly if it pertains to your employment and increases your value as an employee.

Reliance Foundry

Reliance Foundry sponsors 2015 Bollards in My Community Scholarships.  These are scholarships to current and prospective college students who submit a video to Reliance Foundry highlighting bollards within their community.  The vide3o presentation should demonstrate the purpose, benefits and function of the bollards and should give examples of how they can increase safety and improve site aesthetics.

The top entry will receive a total $3,000 in scholarship money, while two other finalists will receive $500.

For details, please refer to

What is a Bollard?  According to Wikipedia:  A bollard is a short vertical post. Originally it meant a post used on a ship or a quay, principally for mooring. The word now also describes a variety of structures to control or direct road traffic, such as posts arranged in a line to obstruct the passage of motor vehicles.  The term can also be used to describe short, post-like light fixtures.

Websites for further information

Service Canada - People Serving People   

CanLearn - the source for interactive information and tools designed to help you save, plan and pay for post-secondary education. 

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada -Information on loans, grants and savings programs for education. 


Tutoring and Student Assistance

Students may ask instructors or staff members at ESA for help or advice.  Professional help will be recommended if deemed necessary.

Students may request additional assistance from instructors.  A student may request an appointment through ESA reception.

Individual or small group tutoring is available.  An hourly charge is applied.


Requesting Accommodations 

ESA provides reasonable accommodations to eligible students who encounter medical or non-medical restrictions to their ability to perform the daily activities necessary to pursue studies at a post-secondary level.To be eligible to receive accommodations, applicants must self-identify and provide appropriate documentation during the application process. Specific accommodations may not be possible after program commencement. 

Responsibilities of Applicants requesting Accommodations:

  • Provide the necessary documentation to ESA during the application process. 

  • ESA does not provide or assume the cost of diagnostic services. Documentation must be obtained from medical doctors, psychologists and/or special education/rehabilitation personnel or other health professionals who have specific training, expertise, and experience in the diagnosis of conditions for which accommodation is being requested. All persons submitting documentation must be appropriately certified and/or licensed to practice their professions. 

  • Documentation must be based on assessments completed within the preceding three years.

  • Documentation should include details of the nature and extent of the applicant’s restrictions and details of the proposed accommodation required.

  • The documentation and information provided by the applicant pursuant to this policy will be treated as confidential by ESA.   

Process for Reaching Accommodation:
Accommodation is a shared responsibility between ESA and the individual in need of accommodation, and is assessed on the unique circumstances of each individual. In consultation with the applicant/student, ESA staff will determine the range and nature of accommodations that would be appropriate and available on an individual, case-by-case basis, including consideration of the functional impact of the applicant/student’s restrictions and the field of study.
The responsibility for additional costs associated with accommodations shall be determined in consultation with the applicant/student on a case-by-case basis.


Student Health and Welfare

Academic support and counseling for ESA students is available through The Student Distress Centre and The Support Network, The Academic Support Service and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD).  Additional information is available for ESA students in the ESA Student Manual.

The Diakonos Retreat Society is a resource available to personal who graduate from ESA.  Their website is  

Insurance:  ESA holds an insurance policy through Industrial Alliance which provides life insurance and emergency/accidental health and dental benefits for ESA students during the days they are attending programs and courses at ESA.  

An information sheet about this plan is on  Claims for injuries sustained during ESA programs or classes may be submitted through ESA.


Student Insurance

ESA fees include insurance coverage for students:

  • Accidental/emergency health and dental insurance coverage while attending ESA classes, off-site training, and during practical assignments.  Students must have provincial health care coverage.

  • WCB coverage for PCP students on practicums, and for Fire students during practical training.

Questions? Want to apply? Contact us today.


"I have been fire fighting in Saint John New Brunswick for 6 years now, and wanted to let you know that your mock hiring process is what prepared me for my actual job interview with SJFD...I felt very prepared to start my career after leaving ESA...the chief that did Rope Rescue helped me strive to be on our Technical Rescue Team on the trucks. Thanks again! "
-Adam, Fire 0808