ITLS International Trauma Life Support

ITLS Provider - Basic

Designed for providers who are first to evaluate and stabilize the trauma patient. This 16 hour course provides complete training in the skills needed for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization and transportation of trauma patients.

ITLS Provider - Advanced

The ITLS - Advanced course builds on the ITLS - Basic knowledge, emphasizing evaluation steps and sequencing as well as techniques for resuscitating and packaging patients.

Delivery Full-time Theory and Practical Training
Program Length 16 hours
Class Size Maximum: 24 students
Next Program Start Date TBA

Program Details


Group training requests only.

The ITLS Provider - Basic and Advanced courses provided by ESA are approved by ITLS Alberta.

If you will be applying to Edmonton Fire, you will need a current ITLS Basic or Advanced certificate. See Edmonton Fire Recruitment Posting.


Upon successful completion of the ITLS Provider - Basic or Advanced course, students will receive the:

  • ITLS Provider - Basic Certificate or
  • ITLS Provider - Advanced Certificate

ITLS Provider - Basic Prerequisites:

  • Certificate/ Transcript or Registration as a healthcare provider including first responder, Advanced First Aid, EMR, EMT, MQL3 or other allied health professional who hold suitable qualifications for entry.

Please include a copy of your certification/transcript or registration with your application.

ITLS Provider - Advanced Prerequisites:

  • Certificate/ Transcript or Registration as a healthcare professional including physicians, physician assistants, paramedics, nurses, MQL5 or other allied health professional who holds suitable qualifications for entry.

Please include a copy of your certification/  transcript or registration with your application.

Please arrange to pick up your textbooks during business hours, preceeding the course.

 A minimum of one week of pre-study is recommended.

ESA fees are subject to review and will be updated by October 1 of each calendar year.

ESA fees and dates are subject to change.  Notice of any changes will be listed on this website and can be confirmed by contacting ESA by phone or email.

Payment of Fees:  

All course fees are payable to Emergency Services Academy Ltd. Payments may be made by cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Debit Card. Cash payments must be for the correct amount as ESA does not keep any cash onsite. 

Funds may be transferred to Emergency Services Academy Ltd. by INTERAC e-Transfer using the ESA email address:

ESA Refund Policy for the ITLS - Basic or Advanced Course

  • The Administration Fee is non-refundable.
  • All fees are non-refundable as of the Application Deadline.

ITLS Provider - Basic is designed for providers who are first to evaluate and stabilize the trauma patient. This 16 hour course provides complete training in the skills needed for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization and transportation of trauma patients.

Hands-on stations include:

  • Rapid trauma patient assessment and management
  • Basic airway management
  • Spinal motion restriction — rapid extrication, short back board, helmet management, log roll, and long back board/ scoop stretcher utilization
  • Extremity immobilization and traction splint application

ITLS Provider - Advanced course builds on the ITLS Provider - Basic knowledge, emphasizing evaluation steps and sequencing as well as techniques for resuscitating and packaging patients.

Hands-on stations include the Basic stations listed above as well as:

  • Advanced airway management
  • Needle chest decompression and fluid resuscitation


"ESA could not have put together a better, diverse team of instructors. All students absorb the curriculum in a different fashion and the diversity of your team ensures these needs are met. Well done!!! They're all people the students look up to, and I can guarantee every one of us, at some point in our career, would love the opportunity to work alongside any member of your team. "
- Blake, EMT 1301